Interested in getting a new garage door?


Schedule a service appointment with our repair specialists!


Get handy tips and advice right here!

Need help with your garage door? See our tips page below to find a wealth of handy advice from our team of repair professionals. Scroll down on this page for the information!

Check your garage door regularly but leave the rest to the pros

It'd be wise of you to spend a few minutes once a month visually inspecting your door's springs, cables, rollers, and every other moving part for wear and tear damage. Don't ever try to adjust or remove any of these components by yourself, as mishandling such a complex system can lead to physical injury. If you discover a problem, leave it to our experts.

Unplug your opener before you go on vacation

Holidays are supposed to be enjoyable, so you don't really want to be worrying about your home being burglarized while you're sunbathing or skiing. Your garage is often the easiest point of entry into your home, so it is a good idea to unplug your garage door opener from the power socket before you hit the road.  This will also keep any unexpected power surges from frying its circuitry.

Choose the right materials for your local environment

When it comes to garage doors, you must choose one that's made from the right materials for the specific environmental conditions in your area. If you live close to the sea, for example, the level of moisture in the air will be higher than more arid environments, and therefore investing in galvanized materials would be a good idea.

Don’t lubricate your garage door tracks

Contrary to popular belief, oiling or lubricating the tracks of a garage door is not advisable. This is because the lubricant can affect the balance of the garage door, especially for the heavier ones like those made of hardwood panels, and if the tracks aren't in a pristine condition, the lubricant can mix with residues of dust and dirt and become sticky grime. Lubrication is only recommended for the springs, hinges, and other movable metal parts like the ball bearings.


When you need professional garage door service at its best, we're the team to call. Contact our experts below with any question and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.


For fast, reliable service and guaranteed customer satisfaction, we're the team for you. Count on our professionals for the friendliest prices in town!

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* $29 service call - deducted from the service

Select Date and time
Mar 13, 2025
8:00AM - 10:00AM
10:00AM - 12:00PM
12:00PM - 14:00PM
14:00PM - 16:00PM
16:00PM - 18:00PM

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